Fast Zombies with Guns (2009)
A man knows too much about a criminal and is going to spill the beans, the criminal sends his son to kill him. He needs to dump a virus of some sorts into his water supply, well tada zombies are born. Now a group of people are going to survive this zombie apocalypse. Sadly enough the zombies run and are able to use guns.
I think this movie has the most literal name of all movies ever. It is what the title says it is. And yes it is as bad as it sounds. I won’t even put a spoiler alert here because it really sucks major donkey balls. The acting is very very very bad, like I need to turn this crap off bad. Sadly enough my ocd says I need to finish the movie, so I did. The zombies look like people with strawberry jam on their faces and clothing, the “running” of the zombies looks like people way out of shape trying to run. Well it is probably people out of shape trying to run. And yes the zombies can use fire weapons. The special effects are over the top bad, everything is done with cheap CGI. Reusing extras happens the whole time and the movie has been filmed with an old camera or an ipad or something really bad.
Story wise; guy runs around the street and two other guys find him, they bring him with them and they ask him where he comes from. He then tells his story, basically he screws everyone over and that is how he survives until the beginning and ending of the movie. There are several story lines but they are all so crappy. I will not beg you, but please do not watch this movie, do not believe the positive reviews on IMDB. Those are clearly written by people involved with this “project”.
Fast Zombies with Guns (2009)_IMDB Profile
My Score: (1 / 10)
It Stains the Sands Red – Horror (2016)
The zombie apocalypse has arrived, people escape the cities and so does Molly and her pimp daddy. Their car gets stuck in the desert and as they wait for help from the pimps buddies a Zombie comes walking towards them. They can’t kill it, they try to hide in the car and events lead her to escape the zombie by foot through the desert.
So this movie surprised me, the plot is quite strong and the acting isn’t half that bad. Of course some characters are somewhat over the top but the premise is very cool. I think it is refreshing, original and well executed. The amount of emotion and frustration shows very well as the main actress does a very descent job. Would I watch this movie again? Certainly.
It Stains the Sands Red IMDB Profile
My Score: (6 / 10)
Night Shadow – Horror (1989)
A reporter goes back to her home town to take a break. Sadly enough a bunch of violent murders are being committed near her. Her brother and his idiotic friends are pranksters and decide to mingle with it and they get into trouble the reporters brother tries to fix the situation.
It is a supernatural horror with Martial Arts elements and the movie does both of them no justice at all. Acting sucks and the story is way too incoherent. To be honest I thought it was a different movie, sadly enough I have to watch a movie till the end. So I was stuck watching this, it was bad but somehow I kept watching. The Martial Arts parts are very forced and totally out of place. This movie was made to ride on the wave of good horror movies in the 80’s. Would I watch it again? No, not at all.
Night Shadow (1989) IMDB Profile
My Score: (2 / 10)
Paris by Night of the Living Dead (2009)
A couple get married in Paris, the zombie apocalypse breaks out and they go on a zombie killing spree. There you go the whole movie, well it is a short movie. About 12 minutes and nothing more.
The short is quite bad, but seeing it is not taking itself serious it is actually achieving that. Special effects are meh, acting is not even a thing. The humor part is not my cup of tea so I won’t comment too much about it. So below is a embed youtube video, that is the short. Go watch it if you like bad zombie movies.
Paris by Night of the Living Dead (2009) IMDB Profile
My Score: (2 / 10)
Patient Zero – Horror (2018)
Humanity is under siege once again by infected humans, a violent strain of the rabies virus had mutated. This mutated strain turns animals and humans into rabid infected. Morgan is the only one who can communicate with them and together with scientists and remaining US military they interrogate infected to find patient zero. Time is running out and they desperately need an vaccine.
It is a very typical infected story, acting is quite bad. Which is very strange seeing that there are several great actors including Matt Smith (Dr. Who) and Stanley Tucci. The writers have taken an overused idea and made it extremely generic, the scenery was nice though. Again the military people are total aggressive male chauvinistic assholes that have to show how though they are. Please movie makers quit that stupid stereotype it isn’t doing anything good for your movie. Music is not bad but sometimes I had the idea they bought a standard 100 bucks package from some generic musician that creates boring movie music. Will I watch this movie again? Probably not, it did not irritate me that much but there where cringe-worthy moments. It felt like it was a pilot for a very bad tv series about infected people.
My Score: (3 / 10)
IMDB Watchlist = 4656
If you don’t agree with my opinion please let me know by posting a comment below. I like to read others their opinion and their reasons why they disagree. If you have movie suggestions for me please let me know, maybe I will watch it and review it here.